Sawtooth Wildnerness
I built this wilderness home on 40 acres of private land with a creek running through it. It is surrounded by the Sawtooth National Forest in Idaho, in the headwaters area of the Salmon River. I gave it the nickname 'Wintertux'. ( It sounds like 'Hintertux', a small town in Austria where I skied years ago.) It is miles from any road in the winter, and surrounded by heavy avalanche terrain, and also some of the best powder skiing anywhere. The land had been staked as two mining claims in the 1880's and named 'The Pride of the West', and the 'Sunbeam'; they still retain those names. Eventually they became patented mining claims, giving subsequent owners full title. Isolated as it is, it is a place of quiet. Even when the rushing waters of the snow melting in the spring fill the valley with the creek's constant thunderous roar, one can hear the shrill beautiful song of the tiny Hermit Thrush, as they call each other across the forested valley.
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